Shall make this me primary blog for now, until after As when i will make a food photo blog.
Is it just me, or do most people feel this way? The feeling of uneasiness and discomfort which appears whenever somone close isn't in a good mood. It causes unnecessary stress sometimes, which is why there are so few people out there who can be great listeners. I for one, tend to think too much and end up with undue worries. Maybe i should just listen for the sake of listening and no longer feel too deeply. That way, its saves me the bit of sanity which i lose every so often when i try to make things better... I guess everything has its limits
I just blew my chance by asking for her email. Is it that scary when a guy you have no idea of ask you for your email? Come to think of it, yeah, it is. Maybe i shouldn't bother. The feeling wasn't strong anyway, so it doesn't matter. But this incident just confirmed how difficult it is to befriend someone who barely knows you or you barely know, simply because even a simple innocent message can mean so many things. Another reason why it failed is because the medium of choice was sms, one of the most unsincere froms of communication... I should have just said hi when i had the chance. Too bad she was always with her friends (the crowd which i dare not approach)... Well, if the disaster i created can be saved, i will be so thankful, i swear off dota for the rest of my life. Really :)
The dull pain throbs on...
CCA : Raffles Chorale
D.O.B : 21/02/88
-Sport : Football (Liverpool FC)
-Music : Rock/Hip-Hop (Linkin Park, Coldplay)
-Food : Depends on my mood
D.O.B : 28/05/88
-Kingdom hearts
-J1s (:p)