Wow haven't posted for a very very long time... Hmmm.
Went to scholarship day on Saturday (for nothing as it turned out). I was only interested in two of the organizations offering scholarships... PSC and SPH. So I went to the SPH booth and asked them, "What courses do you allow your scholars to study?" or something like that, and she replied, "Oh you can study anything! ...except medicine." Haha! Can't say I wasn't expecting that... So I just took a form and thanked her... Who knows I may end up a journalist after all... :P Then I went to the next booth which was PSC and waited... and waited... and waited. There was this girl practically hogging the woman to whom we ask the questions. I waited for 10 minutes, and left without asking what I wanted to ask because I wanted to go for the DSTA talk... which was totally useless. Then I went to the PSC talk, and learned quite a bit (except for the part where they invited their scholars to talk and they started talking about the weather, the food and whatnot in their countries which was totally irrelevant).
After that I returned to the PSC booth, determined to get my questions answered. As it so happens, Amanda Zain asked exactly the same questions I wanted to ask... So I kinda eavesdropped hahaha! Yeah both the woman and Amanda knew I was listening cos I was like leaning so FAR in... Haha... But they didn't mind anyway. In fact, the woman spoke louder so I could hear what she had to say...
So in the end I only had one question for her. What does "President scholar calibre" mean? Apparently, only those who were shortlisted to be a President scholar (that means gone for interviews) and did not make it, then they may be offered the PSC Medicine Scholarship. I think I fainted right on the spot. So I commented, "That means not many people will be getting it" and she laughed and said, "well, we had three this year... that's quite a lot". OH MAN!!! Haha. Oh well, you win some you lose some. I found out later that PSC Medicine Scholarship only allows you to study in Singapore... which means NUS.
Wah some people seriously dress SUPER inappropriately... I mean, it's scholarship day, surely school uniform, pe or just T-shirt and jeans or something comfortable will suffice, right? Haha... Apparently not. There were a few students I spotted, wearing high heels, spaghetti stripes, dresses... Do you need to beautify yourself for this kind of thing?! Haha... So funny. I mean, it's not as if it's anything... grand. Or special. It's just... scholarship day. I seriously cannot fathom the minds of some people. Hahaha... I think i saw some make-up on the faces of some people too...
Something super funny happened before I went for the DSTA talk with Jon Teo and Liang Ze... When Liang Ze and I visited the Global Investment Corporation (GIC) booth, we met this damn funny guy who told us he was in his first year of studying in an overseas university... He was a scholar bonded to GIC, that is. This is how the conversation went...
GIC Scholar: So, what subjects are you taking?
Me: Oh er, triple science.
GIC Scholar: Oh ok, I took double maths when I was in RJC.
GIC Scholar: I'm currently studying Chemical Engineering in (dunno what) University.
Liang Ze: What does that have to do with Investment?
GIC Scholar: Nothing!
*blank looks from both me and Liang Ze*
GIC Scholar: Does that answer your question?
Hahaha! All three of us started laughing... It was damn funny la! I think scholarships are damn spastic... They sponsor you to study a subject which may be totally irrelevant to the company, then you're expected to return and serve your bond in the company, when you've studied nothing that's related to the job you're gonna take up. Lol... Quite spastic.
Oh well... I'm gonna have a string of posts dedicated to our resident class philosopher Poisson Kwong Si Zheng san! Hahaha... The stuff he comes up with is seriously damn funny... Well the frequency of which I'll be posting this depends on the frequency of his psychological inspirations... Haha... Watch this space!
Argh my dog is making so much noise...
"You'll Never Walk Alone"
CCA : Raffles Chorale
D.O.B : 21/02/88
-Sport : Football (Liverpool FC)
-Music : Rock/Hip-Hop (Linkin Park, Coldplay)
-Food : Depends on my mood
D.O.B : 28/05/88
-Kingdom hearts
-J1s (:p)