it has been such a long time since it ended..yet why are we still so strained when we happen to meet each other? why wont the ghost of the past just die and let things return to what they were? i guess that's too much to ask.. yet how i wish it could be so. there was a time when i really cared for her; when we were more than friends..that time is past i guess. if only this awkwardness would pass too..
love makes fools of us all.
arghh the search for love, so elusive and yet so alluring, with such potential to hurt or seems hard to believe it now..but i was happy then. guess it couldn't have lasted, no matter what..but the fool is always hopeful, and filled with foolish hopes.
love makes fools of us all.
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind;
and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.
-"A Midsummer Night's Dream"
a lovely quote isn't it?
CCA : Raffles Chorale
D.O.B : 21/02/88
-Sport : Football (Liverpool FC)
-Music : Rock/Hip-Hop (Linkin Park, Coldplay)
-Food : Depends on my mood
D.O.B : 28/05/88
-Kingdom hearts
-J1s (:p)