Sometimes i think that jc is simply not the time for such things -what with a levels, ns and what simply isnt practical..more likely than not the relationship will not last. Yet who is to say that love is practical? You give your all and risk getting nothing in that practical? You spend sleepless nights wandering and wondering..all for the sake of a single person who probably doesnt even know how you that practical? there is no practicality in more than there is in all the good things in life - talking crap with friends, watching movies that are forgotten with time, eating prata with friends in the middle of the night, playing sports that you are no good at all for good plain fun; and the list is endless. love is more about giving than receiving, and anyone will tell you that such a notion is simply impractical. love is impractical, so don't bother your head over it. Sometimes, let the heart, and not the head decide.
So i say, why not? you live but once, and you'll regret the things you did not do much more than the things you did. Not that you go all out to look for love, but if you are lucky enough to be found by love, why not hang on to it?
"The course of true love never did run smooth."
- A Midsummer Night's Dream
CCA : Raffles Chorale
D.O.B : 21/02/88
-Sport : Football (Liverpool FC)
-Music : Rock/Hip-Hop (Linkin Park, Coldplay)
-Food : Depends on my mood
D.O.B : 28/05/88
-Kingdom hearts
-J1s (:p)