Argh... Wanted to blog but I find it best not to say anything about it. Something about exams, pressure and privacy. Sometimes I'm irritated, sometimes I'm stressed, sometimes I'm down, sometimes I'm disappointed in myself. But it seems that these come and go one by one so that life sucks all the time. I guess I should be thankful that they all don't come at once, but I hate it that I get no relief. Well, I guess I shouldn't complain since there are people in far worse situations out there and I'm just being selfish. Sometimes I can't wait to grow up and leave this place. Then again, maybe not. Life's a bitch, and there's nothing you can do about it.
"You'll Never Walk Alone"... but I always will.
CCA : Raffles Chorale
D.O.B : 21/02/88
-Sport : Football (Liverpool FC)
-Music : Rock/Hip-Hop (Linkin Park, Coldplay)
-Food : Depends on my mood
D.O.B : 28/05/88
-Kingdom hearts
-J1s (:p)